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letters from readers:
To the Editor:
Dear Mr. Hoffman,
You probably won't read past the first line of this letter, because its a letter telling you and your magazine and your staff exactly what I think of them. First I'll start with your staff of so-called writers. I'll bet Harry B. Paschall was very pleased with himself on the article called "Let Me Tell You a Fairy Tale..." How low can you get Mr. Hoffman by letting this type of article be printed? The people you are shameing are sick, mentally. Would you also make fun of someone who was crippled or deformed, yes I guess you would if it got what you wanted. I have at one time or another bought one of these, as you call them "homosexual magazines" would you call me a queer, Mr. Hoffman, I mean to my face not behind my back. I have never seen any pictures in any of them that are "suggestive or filthy." guess they are only as filthy as the persons mind who is looking or writing about them. Do you ever read the bible or go to church, Mr. Hoffman, if so you have undoubtedly heard that "man was created to the image and likeness of God," if that is true how can you call the human body indecent? Would you call a picture of Christ being baptized by St. John, where He has nothing on, pornography or the Crucifixion, would you call that trashy, Mr. Hoffman? Most of the young men who have appeared in those magazines have very good physiques and are nice looking and they have worked hard to get that way, they should be complimented not dragged through the mud. If it weren't filthy articles such as your young men wouldn't even give homosexuality a second
thought. Anyone can tell that that article was written because you hope you can keep some of those guys out of future competition with your boys and you want the other magazines barred so you can have a monopoly on the field. Well, in my book, Mr. Hoffman, there are some guys right here in Springfield who would make skinny legged Chuck Vinci look sick when it comes to physiques and looks.
I'm sure you are patting yourself on the back for the very fine article you wrote called "What Kind of Muscle Do You Want?" Do you really think anyone believed the slander you were handing out about Ray Schaefer? What kind of man?? are you that you can write about people and try to ruin them because you think you and your boys are better than anyone else? In that same article you said you did no name calling, you said you didn't say a single word to the other judges of "That Controversial Contest" that sounds just like you Mr. Hoffman, did you pout very long or were you just snubbing them because you didn't get your own way? You also said "Morality includes Honesty," was it very
honest to try to fill all the judges seats with your best friends and was it very honest or good sportsmanship to try to get rid of a judge who wasn't voting your way? Also same article, quote No Wonder the Russians are laughing at our physique contests unquote. Well, Mr. Hoffman what do you think they are doing to our second place weight lifting team? You know I guess you can't do anything very well can you? You also talk of unnatural exercises, what in your opinion are unnatural exercises? Are they some your boys can't do or are they ones you didn't think of first? One other thing I would like to know. How much money are you giving John Grimick to denounce all the exercises that gave him his wonderful build and made him famous in the first place. I also think you and your writers ought to get together on your articles, in one article you condemn muscle twisting and then in another article by Grimick entitled "The Lower Back," there is a picture of Grimick with a weight on his shoulders and he is bending and twisting just like he says to do in the article. What are you trying to do get everybody confused just like your writers and yourself? Mr. Hoffman, you may have guessed it, but won't admit it but unless you change your ways, you are on the way out. Why not let Mr. Weider train and manage the Olympic weight lifting team maybe we'll get first place next time.
By the way why not send some of your writers to school so they'll learn to spell (Weider), and learn some new adjectives besides Fairy. It takes one to call one.
Dave Kuhn Springfield, Illinois
Editor's Note: Okay, Dave you asked for it. Here is your letter in print as evidence that there must be a few misguided bodybuilders who have been completely fooled by the Weedy Big Lie technique.
Our recent article on the homo magazines apparently hit a nerve, for we got a lot of mail, both pro and con, about this subject. That at least three out of four of these letters approved our stand has nothing to do with our answer to you. The point is that you missed the point. We said in this truthful article that many apparently sincere bodybuilders failed to see the danger in such magazines. Apparently you belong to this group.
Recently several of the renegade American soldiers who chose to go Communist have returned to this country sadder but wiser. They were fooled by the Big Lie. Every mail brings us letters from young barbell men who also have seen the light. They now know that Mr. Wonderful has led them up the garden path and that the lumpy muscles built by his stupor systems are a handicap rather than an asset in any physique competition.
But let us consider your letter, point by point: (1) You pity the poor, sick homosexuals, and are perfectly willing to let them contaminate the youth of America. Let us state right here that the only reason no other magazine in the field has dared to touch upon this subject is because they didn't want to lose this business. We are glad to take this risk if we can keep one lad from going the wrong way. And we are
happy to report that Strength and Health is the only magazine in this field approved by the National Office for Decent Literature. Your pal Mr. Weedy's Body Beautiful Publications have been indicted by a New Jersey Grand Jury for conspiracy to distribute indecent literature.
(2) The Ray Schaefer incident. We have printed nothing but the truth about this. We paid his air transportation to London to the Mr. U affair, and then he eloped with Mr. Wonderful, and we have heard nothing from him since, except that we note he finished seventh in a field of twelve contestants at the 1957 Mr. USA Contest, with which we were not even remotely connected. Weedy methods ruined this young man.
(3) The judges at physique contests are often changed. Weedy's former hatchet man Barton Horvath caused the controversy, and he has since left Mr. Wonderful and is now going after the suckers with his own swish publication. In passing, we might point out this man was once in trouble with the law for selling nude photographs. His current venture indicates he has not reformed.
(4) Unnatural Exercises. We have stood by silently and let Mr. W entangle himself in his own rope. The past year we decided it was time to act. If you want to be a Monster, you have that privilege, but we think young men coming up should be warned before they wind up as useless physical hulks. And hanging upside down is not an unnatural exercise. Everyone should stretch the spine frequently. Ask your doctor. The unnatural exercises we warn against are those that actually do damage, and Mr. Grimek knows what he is talking about when he calls them joint-strainers!
(5) Apparently you don't read the papers. Our U. S. Weightlifting Team won the 1956 Olympics and beat the pants off Russia. We have also won more world championships than any. other country. What in the world does Weedy know about lifting? This is one place where your ignorance is indeed refreshing.
(6) Our authors should learn to spell (Weedy). Your slip is showing, Dave. Grimek is not spelled "Grimick."
Dear Bob:
I would very much like an interview with you. I am contemplating a Pro wrestling career, plus I have offers from several gyms.) I intend definitely to turn "pro," but I would first like to win the 198 lb. lifting title. I would like to come to York to train for the World Championships, however I must turn "pro" afterward. Here are my statistics:
Height 5' 8", weight 190 lbs., I press 380, squat with 700, dead lift 1,000, push press 480, curl 285, bench press 455, clean 570, power clean 500, one-arm press 190, bent press 425.
Photos and signed statements are forthcoming. Also, where can I contact Paul Anderson, I am interested in taking his $15,000.
Chester Pape,
10 Hazel Avenue, San Anselmo, Calif.
Editor's Note: WOW!
• NOVEMBER, 1957
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